Sunday, 30 January 2011

My First Day on the Job!

Hi there new friends
I have finally rationalized my computer phobia enough to start a blog ( and so that my wife will get off my back about how encouraging my posts will be to MS patients and wildlife lovers alike!)

For all the animal lovers out there, you are in for a real treat. Although I see myself as a humanitarian, I am an avid "animalitarian" !! Be it the kitten sleeping at our feet, the lynx on the chair next to the bed, or the latest white lion cub, animals are precious creatures and should be treasured.
Since leaving the South African Airforce in 1978, I have been surrounded by many treasures in my 30 years as a jeweller. Yet another appreciation of all things beautiful. Having the abilty to create a masterpiece out of diamonds and precious metals, has enabled me to enjoy the ultimate toys of boys: exotic cars and helicopters!
The travel bug bit a few years ago while delivering a ring to England over a weekend, and a few years later resulted in buying property in Bulgaria.
I have lived with MS for 15 years, successfully beating the symptoms, and have survived 16 years of marriage: I feel indestructable.
Because I've lived, loved and conquered the odds, the next part of the journey is the "blog".
Cat Man Can Do, Carpe Diem!!!

I look forward to many faithful followers; you won't be dissappointed.


1 comment:

  1. Thrilled that you overcame the computer phobia to start a blog - trust me, it's addictive!! Been reading a few of your posts - you have such a wealth of interesting tales to tell. Look forward to reading more - and may I be as good a customer of your blog as I was of your jewellery business ;)
