Saturday, 19 March 2011

"Believe in yourself...

With a recent shock diagnosis of my daughter now having a rare metabolic disorder called Ornithine Transcarbamylase deficiency, the last few weeks have been turned upside down.
In OTC deficiency, the enzyme that starts a specific reaction is missing, and nitrogen accumulates in the bloodstream in the form of ammonia. Ammonia is especially damaging to the nervous system, so this deficiency causes neurological problems as well as eventual damage to the liver.  Since the disease results in the inability to handle large amounts of nitrogen, treatment includes the decrease of protein intake, prevention of excessive body protein breakdown, with the use of medications for scavenging nitrogen (sodium benzoate and sodium phenylbutyrate)  In cases where OTC enzyme production is low, coma and death can occur. In many patients a liver transplant is an option. The fact that my daughter Rachel has only one kidney is also a complication, having a more profound effect on her diet, meaning that we have to lower sodium, phosphate and potassium levels of intake.
Currently the days are engrossed in finding a suitable low-protein diet, with what we always thought to be healthy high protein foods all thrown out of the equation. Upon investigation, one quickly discovers just how few foods there are with zero protein. Just when the worlds health food companies are all promoting high protein energy shakes, everything these days seems to come with the opposite to what we need. Meals consist of eight small starch portions per day, with hardly any vegetables, since vegetables can be a dangerous high source of protein, and plenty of purified water in order to flush her kidney.
Now with the recent disaster in Japan, debates of radiation are the order of the day. Studies of Chernobyl have proven one definitive fact;  Interaction of ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma and other radiation)with living matter may damage human cells, causing death to some.
Ingestion of food contaminated with radioactive iodine did result in significant doses to the thyroid of inhabitants of the contaminated areas of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, with levels of ground contamination and milk consumption. Drinking milk from cows that ate contaminated grass immediately after the accident was one of the main reasons for the high doses to the thyroid of children, and why so many children developed thyroid cancer. The thyroid gland is one of the organs most susceptible to cancer by radiation.  It is most likely that a large fraction of thyroid cancers observed to date among those exposed in childhood are attributable to radiation exposure from the accident. The public has been exposed for more than twenty years to both external sources on soil, and via intake of radionuclides in foods, water and air.  It is also expected that the increase in thyroid cancer incidence from Chernobyl will continue for many more years. Contamination in the soil will remain for hundreds of years.
Studies in patients treated with radiotherapy, or occupationally exposed in medicine and the nuclear industry, have shown that ionizing radiation can cause solid cancers and leukaemia. Recent findings also indicate an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases in people exposed to atomic blasts and radiotherapy.
So, when governments and leaders stumble over their words and say it’s all OK, or “all under control”….more than often they are simply clueless, and just buying time.

"Believe in yourself
And all that you are
Know that there is
Something inside you
That is greater
Than any obstacle"

    "I postpone death by living, by suffering,  by error, by risking,
    by  giving, by losing."

    Anaias Nin  
Letter to William A. Burke, Ed.D., Chairman-South Coast Air Quality Management District.

I am just now in receipt of your mass email below.  I looked at the link you sent indicating a radar to detect any Nuclear fallout. In case you didn't know, the last updated Radar reading on your website was from June 2009.  I do not see a link to your site that shows any current continuous radiation detection.   This is why people have their own radiation detecting radars and are smartening up over any government body.

I am taken aback by the context of your email because it is contradictory to the facts.   People do not trust the government.  Our governments never cease to display lack of care, propagandizing in order to profit off any man-created disaster and consequential health maladies and malicious intent on destroying the planet and people.   
When government officials tell us all is "ok", it lulls people into a false sense of security and discourages intelligent preparedness.

People are taking their health into their own hands.  Better safe than sorry because everyone knows there is enough Plutonium, Cesium 137, Strontium 90, MOX fuel and Radioactive Iodine to burn every living cell on the planet, and you send us this atrocious email?  This is adding insult to injury.

The earthquake and subsequent tsunami are natural disasters for this time in history with regard to the alignment of the planets and sun; they have been numerously predicted by the best of geologists in history.  But Nuclear power plants were created by man.  The Nuclear meltdown is already declared worse than Chernobyl.  How can you say everything is ok?

Had Man not created Nuclear power plants, you wouldn't have had to send out your email below.  I also know that the administration, just months ago, asked Congress to provide a $4 billion loan guarantee for two new nuclear reactors to be built and operated on the Gulf Coast of Texas - by TEPCO and local partners. As if the Gulf hasn't suffered enough. I am extremely disgusted with our governments sheer and utter malicious poisoning of our planet and human race.  

Not only are we very concerned of Nuclear fallout from the world class disaster in Japan, but there is one other world issue I have to mention.  We have been incessantly bombarded with CHEMTRAILS since the weekend of Thanksgiving 2010.      CHEMTRAIL grids are seen daily across our skies from horizon to horizon; CHEMTRAILS spraying aluminum and boron nano-particles.  Someone is playing God and spraying the entire planet.
Enough is enough.  I'm knowledgeable in physiological and biological processes.  I happen to know what Aluminum does to all living cells; it literally creates a "plaque" over the dendrites of cells in every living thing on the planet.  Nature, people, plants, animals, insects are being destroyed by CHEMTRAILS.   Bee colonies are dying off in massive amounts (if you didn't know bees pollinate 75% of our agriculture and plant life)   Palm trees are brown and dead, leaning over about to fall dead across the roads.  I have never seen a dead palm tree till today. 
This is totally unacceptable.  Our air quality is hazardous.  The aluminum blanket over our skies will eventually kill people and the planet.  That combined with MOX fuel and Nuclear fallout will create the worst kinds of cancer and illness ever in history. 

There is nothing more toxic than MOX as it emits high-energy alpha radiation with intense ionization power that burns the lungs, skin, unravels DNA and diminishes afferent neuron sensitivity to disable the bodys inner physician. Ionizing radiation consists of electromagnetic waves that detach electrons from atoms or molecules producing intense oxidative stress or free radical pathology. When inhaled, it has a long half-life, staying in the body while emitting alpha radiation. It enters the bones, blood circulation, liver and genitals where it is enriched. The DNA and cell nucleus damage escalates over time as the longer it stays in the body the faster it enriches itself. Scientists and physicians present the facts and the evidence against MOX @

I am petitioning you in your role with a Southern California Air Pollution Control District to stop the obvious daily CHEMTRAILS and create a budget to chelate the radiation out of our water and food supply with the abundant use of black Mica extract like Japan used in their agriculture after US dropped atom bombs on them in August of 1945.
If murder is illegal, why is war not?   The government is not immune to acts of murder.  Instead of trying to convince people all is ok, I suggest you collaborate with others in your field of Air Quality to stop the above and start creating Solar energy for our future, add Black Mica Extract to our water reservoirs and stop the CHEMTRAIL spraying.

By Lauren Kattuah.


  1. Thank you Sean Austin for posting the letter I wrote on March 19, 2011 at 3:33 AM to the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Lauren Kattuah

    1. Thanks for taking the time to write that letter. Are you working with Rosalind Peterson's Sky Watch group in CA?

  2. Lauren, The world thanks you for speaking out on the realities and bringing to light facts that are hidden from most innocent people.

  3. I wonder if anyone is working on one website that gives the Step by step process and links to resources, to stop this and stay healthy in the meantime?

    I feel more empowered and safer if I have a vision of how to resolve a situation. So far, this is what I am thinking....

    1. Take videos (time and date stamped) of chemtrails being laid above our homes.
    2. Get the intraflight schedules for our areas to figure out what military aircrafts are dropping heavy metals on us and our loved ones.
    3. Test our rain water, hair and blood for high levels of Aluminum Oxides, Barium Sulphates, Sulphur, Strontium, etc. ($12-$22 per test)
    4. Organize empowerment events and get up to speed with your community. Watch "What on Earth Are they Spraying" or Rosalind Peterson's "Chemtrail Cover Up Exposed".
    5. Inform your neighbors and organize a mass petition to seize military fuel samples at the military base that these planes are being dispatched from. They are servants for us, the people....not Bill Gates or Standford University. They should be working against these terrorists, not colluding with them. Inspect what you expect.
    6. Using the information from the Intra Flight schedules, get pilots' names and military take off and arrival locations. Press charges. Bring them to trial. Be firm. Be more persistent than the chemtrails they are trying to kill us with. We are the 99%.
    7. Study our Constitutional Rights. Educate others.
    8. Peacefully gather as a huge collective force armed with solid facts on the doorstep of your Congressman. Be prepared with time and date stamped videos, intraflight schedules, names of pilots, license numbers of planes busted laying chemtrails, rain and snow samples, data detailing the health problems Geo-engineering is causing, case studies that relate to the poisoning from these toxic weather modification cocktails, data showing the associated sale of Pharmaceuticals and Allopathic Medicine to "treat" the resulting health effects from Chemtrails and Socio Economic demographic data.
    9. Video tape and record everything and gather peacefully as a supportive loving group of concerned citizens that want to save the world.
    10. Work with other communities and share solid evidence.
    11. Be persistent. Be Tenacious. Be loving.
    12. Meditate.
    13. Learn Heart Math.
