Monday, 27 February 2012

"It is not the mountain we conquer...but ourselves"

So, the question everyone is asking is how I beat MS, after being shot, car accidents, a gas explosion, snake bite, repeated attacks from a lynx, wild animals and recent artery disease.
It has nothing to do with taking every possible treatment such as corticosteroids to constant shots of Interferon, and even Stem cells. You can read about treatments such as high dose cortisone, methotrexate, Low dose naltrexone, cannibus, physiotherapy and acupuncture, and a thousand other treatments. Years ago it was ‘The Myelin project’.  Now people are all getting excited about Dr Zamboni’s liberation treatment theory of angioplasty to open the carotid artery, claiming a link between Chronic CerebroSpinal Venous Insufficiency and MS…( the latest CCSVI treatment everyone is raving about)  Years ago everyone was trying to get approved for Beta-Interferon. Before that it was Linoleic oil to evening primrose oil and every supplement you could swallow.
The first thing is to go on the famous MS diet, go vegetarian ! Cut out all fatty saturated meats, fatty oily fish and deep water fish, all dairy milks, cheeses, butters, bread, rice, tea, coffee, sugar, sweats, jam, and everything you have ever eaten. Vegetarian specific for MS, not so simple, they claim that some fruit and vegetables are harmful to the blood brain barrier, such as the innocent Avocado pear…yes it could kill you, or even worse, turn you into a lifelong suffering paralysed quadriplegic. In other words, stop eating anything that is available from the grocery shop or supermarket. Do not dare eat anything at a restaurant. This is the point at which with shock you start to think that you are really more ill than your Neurologist even told you in his diagnosis, because what you and the internet have just discovered is that anything you eat will simply speed up your progression of this disease. So as you starve, you get weaker, compounded by the fact that you already believe the scientists that you are immobile.
The next step, you’ll probably be told to have all your old toxic dental fillings removed, but by now your medical aid or health insurance is maxed out, and besides, you have so much neuropathic pain in your arms and legs that you don’t need a dentist drilling and chopping your teeth up. Like myself, you may even have optic neuritis with partial blindness, or Bell’s palsy, so rather just leave your teeth alone!
Everyone has a relative or a friend who has MS, and most uninformed people think it has something to do with ones muscles. Well, it is not muscular dystrophy, because that is what most people confuse it with! Multiple Sclerosis is a demyelination of the nerves. Due to an auto immune disease the white T-cells destroy the myelin sheath around the axons, also causing lesions on the brain.
Everyone reading this already knows these facts, because I assume if you don’t have MS this would not interest you, and you would have just skipped past this boring subject that could never affect you...because people such as the ones not reading this right now never get sick, it only happens to sick people. In other words, we are alone here, just a handful of sorry looking MS people, the same as at those stupid support group tea parties they have once in a blue moon.  Someone who does not have MS  came up with the great idea of putting the worst decrepit half paralysed MS sufferers often with their irritated spouses or partners all in one room together, so that they could compare symptoms, see people in worse condition than themselves and all become suicidal or immediately give up on life altogether. Usually this is a benefiting pharmaceutical company, so they create what we all know to be called a ‘support group’.
This brings me to finally answer the question, how do you really beat MS ? After trying all of the above treatments, and then after attempting a home liver detox and kidney cleanse from the damage all the above chemicals have caused, you find yourself going away to a far away Indian Island to….’ Think’.
As soon as you start to think clearly, which doesn’t actually happen with MS because we do get confused and forget things, you will then take a step in the right direction. Now, let’s assume that you are not in the sweltering heat of Africa and stuck to your bed with the weight and heaviness, or that you are actually in north America in six feet of winter snow; it actually does not matter where on earth you are.  Crawl to the front door, then drag yourself outside into the blazing sun or ice cold snow. You have just started your journey to complete recovery and will soon be on your way to not only walking, but to feeling both physically and mentally better. Alone you have just accomplished what no doctor or medicine could achieve, you have taken an active decision to help yourself. This is the road to recovery, a long and often lonely road, but worth all the effort.
Keep moving and very soon your mind will forget and not have time to think about the hundreds of different twitches, spasms, numbness and pains that you had while lying around waiting for the inevitable Grim Reaper to eventually appear. Each morning may feel as though you are starting all over again, the same as a climber on the face of Mt. Everest caught in a blizzard, but you cannot afford to give up, because each day of the climb is one step nearer to the summit. With each step you will be conquering the MS mountain. This first effort is the most difficult climb of your life, and when you finally succeed, you will go on to find real mountains out there in exciting places to walk and climb. This is the real turning point of your life, and as long as you are climbing, you’ll never look back.

               “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”
Sir Edmund Hillary