Monday, 29 August 2011

"Give me what you have within ........"

There was once a wise woman travelling through the mountains, when she found a precious stone in the stream. The following day she met another traveller. He was hungry, so the wise woman opened her bag to share her food.
He saw the precious stone in her bag, and asked the woman to give it to him. Without hesitation, she gave it to him. He left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew that the value of the stone would give him security for the rest of his life.

But a few days later, he came back to return the precious stone to the wise woman.
"I've been thinking," he said. "I know how valuable this stone is, but I give it back to you in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me this stone."
Sometimes it is not the wealth you have, but what is inside you that others need.

I was being continuously pestered for one of my Corvettes by someone who just wanted, but could not afford one. Eventually worn down, I let him take the car, hoping to make arrangements for eventual payment. Soon afterwards he was divorced, and then lost his business (and conveniently also lost contact with me). Recently I saw my old Corvette for sale in an advertisement. On further investigation, I learnt the man who just had to have my Corvette had died, broken and miserable.

'Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting' is Lynn Grabhorn's attempt to re write 'The Law of Attraction'. After reading her book, and not being convinced by nor comfortable with her energy, I set out to research her, only to discover that she had died. While she had penned about positive thoughts and feelings, I have my doubts whether or not she actually mastered the art of fine tuning and releasing her inner demons.

Lions in the wild, after making a kill, do not then proceed to drag all the useless bones around with them. After all, they are not bone collectors. Once they have eaten their fill, they move on without hoarding the weight of useless, material junk. This allows them to laze in the sun for days on end, without a single worry.
Hamsters are famous hoarders. In fact, their name originates from the German word 'hamstern' meaning 'to hoard'. The downfall of hoarding comes when the collection is raided; all possessions, as well as non replaceable time, are lost. Hoarders spend most of their lives strongly defending their possessions. Hamsters and mice are constantly in the proverbial 'RatRace' to snatch, gather and hoard. They are notoriously suseptable to diseases and the spread of them. Their stressed temperment ensured that their worried little lives have a very short lifespan. 

Throughout my life I have happily given to people who wanted what I had. Interestingly enough, once they were in possession of what their greed had lead them to want, they had absolutely no idea how to appreciate their new aquisition. It would soon be abandoned as that person spiralled downwards in a displaced attitude.
Sadly, most people believe that taking possession of something will bring contentment. Some of us know for a fact that true happiness is simply enjoying the contentment of being alive - everything else is merely incidental.
So the question is ........ Do you wish to live the life of a lion, have the lions' share and live in the sun, or are you living the life of a diminutive hamster in your quest to build a personal empire of material wealth and worry? 

"Happiness is wanting what you have, not having what you want"

Thursday, 18 August 2011

"Laughter is the medicine of is too short to wear tight shoes"

The amber light of the half night embraced her velvet coat. Through African mist on scented ‘yesterdays and tomorrows’ her tales carried across the open air. A lynx and crested crane, true companions came to be. Her constant feathered friend would listen attentively though the night. Summer migration had brought him home to the southern hemisphere, now amidst fireflies and glowworms, crickets and honeybees, he listened with delight to the stories by the lynx, who had been previously engrossed in Yeats…

‘See how the sacred old flamingoes come,
Painting with shadow all the marble steps
Aged and wise, they seek their wonted perches
Within the temple, devious walking, made
To wander by their melancholy minds.
Yon tall one eyes my supper; swiftly chase him
Far, far away. I named him after you.
He is a famous fisher; hour by hour
He ruffles with his bill the minnowed streams.
Ah! There he snaps my rice. I told you so.
Now cuff him off. He’s off! A kiss for you,
Because you saved my rice. Have you no thanks?

Far away in hospital corridors dark, the constant drip of acid treatment scorched through the course of my veins. Bleeps of monitors, immobility, feverish sweats, blinding ice-pick headaches, needles, cool relief of the floor, through the MRI tunnel, a mindless voice announces “plotting with enhancement” iodine burnt within upon waves of nausea, the jarring elevator fired pains through every nerve, legs crushed through the mattress,  muscle tearing spasms. Blindness. Confusion. Limbs void of all feeling, suddenly just a mind floating away from all physical sensation. Breakaway point, welcome to the place of pain and colours where purple is orange, nurses are magenta, surgeons painted green and white is noise…the bitter taste in your mouth becomes a sound that you have not ever heard. All sensations a blur of being one in madness of agony. Corticosteroids, Interferon, pethidine, morphine, tramil, benzodiazepams…cardiac catheterization, femoral artery pressure…stop the bleeding! End the pain! Stop everything!

At home the lynx, keen eyed and curious had been staring at the animated pictures on the screen close by. Not too convinced by amateur photography, she had in her wisdom begun absorbing what was written in between. With the next glance of anticipation from the crane outside, she continued her story, with a wink of her eye and a flick of her tail, she read the posts on the social network page;

Friends had updated : -

" had a dream that someone switched out my computer keyboard at work, and I was really upset about it. LOL what's wrong with me that I'm having dreams like that?!? Good morning all... Saturday Morning Train is calling all aboard... see you ate 6am...
Oh my word! I'm standing outside at 4:30am like a crazy person! No meteor shower and no apace station sighting for me.
She has to go to a pack of dogs with a lady who has trained dogs for 21 years. Her behaviour is getting worse, and she bit/attacked 2 people. I know, hard to imagine. And after her resocialization, she should stay with people outside of the city. Herd some sheep. She doesn't like the city. It's too stressy for her. Blegh. My babyyyyyyj.
What do all people do when it is nearly 2AM and you cannot sleep?..
The wild combination of Mars with transformative Uranus and Pluto is likely to take us to unfamiliar places. Retreating to more familiar emotional and physical territory is, as mentioned above,, a natural response with the warrior planet...
All men and women are connected by an energy which many people call love, but which is, in fact, the raw material from which the universe was built. This energy cannot be manipulated.
Ok there is the shop I go to buy my wine and there is a guy who gets in my nerves so today he asked where my husband was ? ( I had forgot I had lied to him that I was married). Lol so I started cursing him in Swahili ( mjinga huyu chukua pesa sina mda mchafu) means hey fool take the money I don't have the dirty time. Guess what the guy is an Indian born in East Africa he speaks Swahili and told me ok I don't drink I don't smoke but I love women!!! in Swahili
I did ask the man to remove it but then he said, with the rope there it is the only way that they could handle the cows...
The feeling of being a stranger in a strange land vanished, and great joy manifests. One begins to feel consciously to be on the way home in a spiritual sense, no longer flailing in the dark
One translation from the Latin takes this saying to mean 'Launch Forth into the Deep'. This means that you should be forceful in your persuits and rise to the important challenges which lie ahead of you. The man who 'launches forth into the deep' escapes from the smallness and narrowness of life; he thinks in a big way about life.
Yohimbe, an herb used in African marriage ceremonies and included even in testosterone supplements, will give you good wood, no problem. Viagra is extremely dangerous mixed with other drugs, which is how I've seen it taken, primarily--everyone I ever met who took it, usually used it to be able to get wood while tripping on who knows what
Do you suffer from frequent diarrhea or constipation? It may be IBS
I just got pulled over..seriously bout shit my pants ! Hahah
A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart...
Is feeling very loving,and kind right now. I better end the night on that note (and go to bed) if I stay awake any longer I am sure one of my evil personalities will take over... so goodnight
So what does your inner bitch tell you? You're not worth it? You're too fat, too old, not lovable... if you're feeling defeated choice new words and emotions... people are sick because of what we say to ourselves and the body responds in anarchy and the spirit screams for love... do yourself a favor and slay your super bitch and reclaim the truth of who you are
'Life's too short to wear tight shoes.' - Grandma Ros
Enjoy wearing flip flops, or better yet, going barefoot today! "

"Laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a

pretty good grasp of life

Laughter is the medicine of life"