Saturday, 19 March 2011

"Believe in yourself...

With a recent shock diagnosis of my daughter now having a rare metabolic disorder called Ornithine Transcarbamylase deficiency, the last few weeks have been turned upside down.
In OTC deficiency, the enzyme that starts a specific reaction is missing, and nitrogen accumulates in the bloodstream in the form of ammonia. Ammonia is especially damaging to the nervous system, so this deficiency causes neurological problems as well as eventual damage to the liver.  Since the disease results in the inability to handle large amounts of nitrogen, treatment includes the decrease of protein intake, prevention of excessive body protein breakdown, with the use of medications for scavenging nitrogen (sodium benzoate and sodium phenylbutyrate)  In cases where OTC enzyme production is low, coma and death can occur. In many patients a liver transplant is an option. The fact that my daughter Rachel has only one kidney is also a complication, having a more profound effect on her diet, meaning that we have to lower sodium, phosphate and potassium levels of intake.
Currently the days are engrossed in finding a suitable low-protein diet, with what we always thought to be healthy high protein foods all thrown out of the equation. Upon investigation, one quickly discovers just how few foods there are with zero protein. Just when the worlds health food companies are all promoting high protein energy shakes, everything these days seems to come with the opposite to what we need. Meals consist of eight small starch portions per day, with hardly any vegetables, since vegetables can be a dangerous high source of protein, and plenty of purified water in order to flush her kidney.
Now with the recent disaster in Japan, debates of radiation are the order of the day. Studies of Chernobyl have proven one definitive fact;  Interaction of ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma and other radiation)with living matter may damage human cells, causing death to some.
Ingestion of food contaminated with radioactive iodine did result in significant doses to the thyroid of inhabitants of the contaminated areas of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, with levels of ground contamination and milk consumption. Drinking milk from cows that ate contaminated grass immediately after the accident was one of the main reasons for the high doses to the thyroid of children, and why so many children developed thyroid cancer. The thyroid gland is one of the organs most susceptible to cancer by radiation.  It is most likely that a large fraction of thyroid cancers observed to date among those exposed in childhood are attributable to radiation exposure from the accident. The public has been exposed for more than twenty years to both external sources on soil, and via intake of radionuclides in foods, water and air.  It is also expected that the increase in thyroid cancer incidence from Chernobyl will continue for many more years. Contamination in the soil will remain for hundreds of years.
Studies in patients treated with radiotherapy, or occupationally exposed in medicine and the nuclear industry, have shown that ionizing radiation can cause solid cancers and leukaemia. Recent findings also indicate an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases in people exposed to atomic blasts and radiotherapy.
So, when governments and leaders stumble over their words and say it’s all OK, or “all under control”….more than often they are simply clueless, and just buying time.

"Believe in yourself
And all that you are
Know that there is
Something inside you
That is greater
Than any obstacle"

    "I postpone death by living, by suffering,  by error, by risking,
    by  giving, by losing."

    Anaias Nin  
Letter to William A. Burke, Ed.D., Chairman-South Coast Air Quality Management District.

I am just now in receipt of your mass email below.  I looked at the link you sent indicating a radar to detect any Nuclear fallout. In case you didn't know, the last updated Radar reading on your website was from June 2009.  I do not see a link to your site that shows any current continuous radiation detection.   This is why people have their own radiation detecting radars and are smartening up over any government body.

I am taken aback by the context of your email because it is contradictory to the facts.   People do not trust the government.  Our governments never cease to display lack of care, propagandizing in order to profit off any man-created disaster and consequential health maladies and malicious intent on destroying the planet and people.   
When government officials tell us all is "ok", it lulls people into a false sense of security and discourages intelligent preparedness.

People are taking their health into their own hands.  Better safe than sorry because everyone knows there is enough Plutonium, Cesium 137, Strontium 90, MOX fuel and Radioactive Iodine to burn every living cell on the planet, and you send us this atrocious email?  This is adding insult to injury.

The earthquake and subsequent tsunami are natural disasters for this time in history with regard to the alignment of the planets and sun; they have been numerously predicted by the best of geologists in history.  But Nuclear power plants were created by man.  The Nuclear meltdown is already declared worse than Chernobyl.  How can you say everything is ok?

Had Man not created Nuclear power plants, you wouldn't have had to send out your email below.  I also know that the administration, just months ago, asked Congress to provide a $4 billion loan guarantee for two new nuclear reactors to be built and operated on the Gulf Coast of Texas - by TEPCO and local partners. As if the Gulf hasn't suffered enough. I am extremely disgusted with our governments sheer and utter malicious poisoning of our planet and human race.  

Not only are we very concerned of Nuclear fallout from the world class disaster in Japan, but there is one other world issue I have to mention.  We have been incessantly bombarded with CHEMTRAILS since the weekend of Thanksgiving 2010.      CHEMTRAIL grids are seen daily across our skies from horizon to horizon; CHEMTRAILS spraying aluminum and boron nano-particles.  Someone is playing God and spraying the entire planet.
Enough is enough.  I'm knowledgeable in physiological and biological processes.  I happen to know what Aluminum does to all living cells; it literally creates a "plaque" over the dendrites of cells in every living thing on the planet.  Nature, people, plants, animals, insects are being destroyed by CHEMTRAILS.   Bee colonies are dying off in massive amounts (if you didn't know bees pollinate 75% of our agriculture and plant life)   Palm trees are brown and dead, leaning over about to fall dead across the roads.  I have never seen a dead palm tree till today. 
This is totally unacceptable.  Our air quality is hazardous.  The aluminum blanket over our skies will eventually kill people and the planet.  That combined with MOX fuel and Nuclear fallout will create the worst kinds of cancer and illness ever in history. 

There is nothing more toxic than MOX as it emits high-energy alpha radiation with intense ionization power that burns the lungs, skin, unravels DNA and diminishes afferent neuron sensitivity to disable the bodys inner physician. Ionizing radiation consists of electromagnetic waves that detach electrons from atoms or molecules producing intense oxidative stress or free radical pathology. When inhaled, it has a long half-life, staying in the body while emitting alpha radiation. It enters the bones, blood circulation, liver and genitals where it is enriched. The DNA and cell nucleus damage escalates over time as the longer it stays in the body the faster it enriches itself. Scientists and physicians present the facts and the evidence against MOX @

I am petitioning you in your role with a Southern California Air Pollution Control District to stop the obvious daily CHEMTRAILS and create a budget to chelate the radiation out of our water and food supply with the abundant use of black Mica extract like Japan used in their agriculture after US dropped atom bombs on them in August of 1945.
If murder is illegal, why is war not?   The government is not immune to acts of murder.  Instead of trying to convince people all is ok, I suggest you collaborate with others in your field of Air Quality to stop the above and start creating Solar energy for our future, add Black Mica Extract to our water reservoirs and stop the CHEMTRAIL spraying.

By Lauren Kattuah.

Friday, 04 March 2011

Shell 'fracking' our South Africa for fuel...

Our South African Karoo has an area of four hundred thousand square kilometers, a vast inland basin for the past two hundred and fifty million years. This unique and beautiful area, with enormous deposits of underground coal, was to be one of the pillars of the economy of South Africa today. Volcanic activity once took place on a titanic scale. Ancient reptiles and amphibians prospered in the wet forests and their remains have made the Karoo famous amongst paleontologists.
Large herds of antelope, thousands of zebra and large game roamed this region. It is also where the Khoi and Bushmen, the last of the African Stone Age people, wandered far and wide. With the arrival of European settlers, sheep grazing started the huge industry of wool production in this area. This soon became one of the worlds’ largest wool producing regions.
During the nineteenth century, a railway track was built from Cape Town in the south; eventually all the way up through to Bechuanaland and Rhodesia in the north. The impact of this railroad on the history of southern Africa cannot be emphasized enough.
Currently sheep farming is still the economic backbone of the Karoo, with other forms of agriculture established where irrigation is possible. Recently game farms and tourism have made a large economic impact here.
With recent climate change, Southern Africa is having a severe drought, with predictions that we could just run out of water within the next few months. No one has come up with a solution to this. What has happened despite this dilemma is that some money hungry politicians have decided to allow an oil company, Shell, to start the controversial process of mining unconventional gas in the Karoo. This type of mining is called ‘Fracking’, a process of hydraulic fracturing of the earths’ surface using water (which we are already short of).  This ‘fracking process has already been banned in certain USA states.
Shell intends to drill and frack at levels down to 4000m , but at a press conference they would not say what the chemicals pumped into the ground were. According to their presentation, the chemicals were a cocktail of reducers, biocides, corrosion inhibitors, scale inhibitors, surfactants and breakers, which certainly make us and all the Karoo farmers feel just great! So much for their time to address our concerns about our mother earth.
The community shouldn’t worry about water either, they assured us.  Shell would “engage” with the community. Water is the biggest waste product in the process, they said, but if it is recycled and maybe even purified it could be used for human consumption!  “We promise not to compete with the people of the Karoo for their water needs”  they said, a statement of painful ambiguity. We would have to wait and see who would address the water needs of the already thirsty Karoo people.
Shell intends to sink twenty four wells in the area, at a cost of $15 million each!  Of course, we should not worry about the impact the fracking process would have per square kilometer, especially after they assured us that the drilling where the greatest amount of disruption would occur would only take two weeks. Didn’t we just agree it took two hundred and fifty million years to create?
Shell did not stop short of promising unicorns and eternal rainbows.
Oh, and if you, as a Karoo landowner, are still unhappy, then go ahead, sue Shell. The exact quote to a question about why the Dutch royal family are complaining about the fracking process was, “ The sister to the princess of the Netherlands has a democratic right to say ‘no drilling in my backyard’ “.  I personally, along with many farmers, would agree that this government is overdosing on too many bananas and beetroot-curing  AIDS foodstuffs.
Meanwhile our President travels the world, blissfully unconcerned for his native and ancestral land. A man voted into power despite recent charges of rape, corruption and fraud related to the $5 billion weapons acquisition deal. This is a government that is allowing thousands of Somalians to pour across our borders into our once safe land. Perhaps they should just consider scrapping the ‘fracking’ by Shell, and allow the Somali’s who are here already to use the Coega deep water harbour to operate a hijacking  business from. After all, this harbour was designed to accommodate large oil tankers. We could then save the Karoo, have free oil from the hundreds of oil tankers that pass by, and simply create more flights to return the ships’ crew back to their home countries. The airline companies would then also all benefit. That would be job creation without any environmental impact. During the evenings the Somali pirates could play soccer in our now empty world cup soccer stadiums. Our rainbow nation would remain intact instead of fracked !

 "The riches that the earth yield up have become a curse, fuelled by the greedy, to the disadvantage of the poor ..."
On another lighter note….
After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists found traces of copper wire dating  back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago.
Not to be outdone by the Brit’s, in the weeks that followed, an American archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the New York Times: “American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the British”.
One week later, The Cape Times, in South Africa reported the following:
“After digging as deep as 30 feet in his backyard in Thabazimbi, South Africa,  Lucky  Simelane, a self taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing at all. Lucky has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Africa had already gone wireless. “
Doesn’t this just make you proud to be from Africa?

Wednesday, 02 March 2011

The Lion Sleeps Tonight [The Beauty of Africa]

“...A hungry lion was roaming through the jungle looking for something to eat when he came across two men; one was sitting under a tree reading a book while the other was typing away on his typewriter. The lion quickly pounced on the man reading the book and devoured him proving even the king of the jungle knows that readers digest and writers cramp.”
The following you are about to read is in fact a true story.
One Friday, a day the same as any other, was spent side by side with a pride of lions. Males with huge manes and more than a dozen lionesses lay around soaking up the midday African sun. The groups of lions gathered around were more than fifty including cubs. I had personally spent many hours together with these majestic lions, walking with them and often just lying around in the sun with them.
Inside the farmhouse, a friend of mine had just spent the morning in an argument with his girlfriend. By midday, having had enough of this persistent nonsense, he walked out through the back door of the kitchen. On his way out the ever caring native cook, who had heard this constant bickering handed him his favorite meal, a small curry breadloaf. I often wonder what his thoughts were as he sat on the rock just outside the kitchen, eating his favorite food while enjoying the sun, peace and quiet of the African bush…the calm stillness only disturbed by the occasional insect or distant call of a bird. These would be the last conscious thoughts and moments of his life.
Still annoyed at the petty argument which had started the night before, he decided to get to work and busy his mind with more constructive things. Aproximately fifty metres away the groups of lions lay around under the shade of scattered trees. Nothing stirred as he walked among them, on his way to the boundary fence which needed attention. Perhaps it was the female lionesses who were in season a short distance away, or the two males seeking her attention, in addition to his anger from the argument minutes before, no-one will ever know; suddenly without any warning the lions at his side lept and attacked. A swipe from a lions forearm and open claws delivers a blow that can break a human neck, tearing out the throat along with arteries and trachea. The bite to his head tore his face and skull open from forehead to chin. All of this happened within a second. This was no chase, no need for the large cat to stalk or hunt, just a strike and attack at lightning speed. Two or three fast blows accompanied by a thrashing bite from the huge jaws and it’s all over. As he lay in the dust choking and bleeding from the open neck wound, the lions backed off, tugging at his trouser leg, almost as if in confusion as to what they had just done.
The helicopter ambulance eventually arrived and flew to the hospital trauma unit almost fifty kilometers away. Although unconscious from the extensive head injuries, and despite massive blood loss, at this point he was still alive. It would take hours of surgery into the night for a team of surgeons to attempt to close up the head and neck wounds and stabilize him. During the weekend family and friends gathered, waiting for any signs of improvement. There was increased swelling on the brain, and despite all efforts within a few days the surgeons had made the decision to turn off the life support.
The funeral was an emotional service, with the entire community filling the church. Everyone who knew this man came from far and wide to pay their last respects. He was laid to rest not yet fifty years of age. His coffin was draped with a lion skin from an old lion that he had known years before, until it too had died a natural death. As the draped coffin was lowered into the ground to rest in this dry open arid land, a gentle gust of wind blew across the people gathered. The African people who had respected him so much stood and sang an old tribal song.
In the days to follow, every time I would visit his grave, in this dry flat landscape with the mountain in the distance, a warm breeze would suddenly appear stirring up dust around where he lay.
At night the only sound across the plain would be the lions roar calling out, as though in need of an answer or awaiting his return.
“Look deep, deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better”
Albert Einstein

The Earth is man's only friend.
